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  • Writer's pictureNatalia Anciso

Aspire | Aspirar, Houston

Opening Day for my solo exhibition at the O'Kane Gallery of the University of Houston-Downtown found me speaking to about 50 UHD undergraduates and faculty members as a guest lecturer. This would be the first time I actually got to do a guest lecture in an interactive way, walking through the gallery and speaking about my artwork like a docent. It was really cool and I'm very grateful to have had the opportunity to give the sneak preview to these amazing students before opening night!

As for opening night of the Aspire / Aspirar show, I was able to join in at a nice gathering of UHD alumni, students, faculty, and staff for the #investinblue Alumni Association Fall Social. Honored to meet UHD President Juan Munoz, a proud East Los native who spoke about the intimacy of my artwork and how it reminded him of his childhood, before introducing me to everyone in attendance. So honored and humbled to speak to so many people this evening and share my experiences as an Artist. It was definitely a busy but great evening! Thank you Mark Cervenka for bringing me out to #Houston for my first major solo show in my home state of Texas, and for the entire UHD community for welcoming me, my family, and my artwork with open arms and grand hospitality!

This I know is true: Go Stros! #HoustonStrong

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