(2014 - Present)

School is a series of vignettes focused primarily around Anciso's work as an urban educator in the Bay Area, and is a product of extensive research that Anciso has partaken around elementary genocide, pushout, and the widespread disservice of students of color, especially black boys and girls, from Kindergarten through high school.  Each piece is drawn in some combination of graphite, watercolor, and/or goldleaf.

Don't Shoot (2014), is the first piece from the then-untitled School series, and made its debut in print as the cover of the human rights education book, Bringing Human Rights Education to US Classrooms: Exemplary Models from Elementary Grades to University by Dr. Susan Roberta Katz and Dr. Andrea McEvoy Spero.  Don't Shoot was on view at the 6th Chicana/o Biennial at MACLA / Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana (San Jose).  Work from the School Series was recently on view at NATALIA ANCISO: They Try to Bury Us at the Joseph Gross Gallery at the University of Arizona (Tucson), WE RISE in Los Angeles, andRadical Departures, Abruptions, and Continuations at Dream Farm Commons in Oakland. Other work  from this series is currently on view at the El Corazon exhibition at the Santa Barbara Center for Art, Science, and Technology.

The Time for Action is Now (2018) was selected for inclusion with the POWER TO THE POLLS campaign and traveling art exhibition in collaboration with Women's March and The Amplifier Foundation, and is available for high-resolution download via Amplifier. The series is still ongoing.

School Series




Flora | Fauna